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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Fresh Energy on Tap with EFT

Maria Kingsley

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is becoming more and more popular because it is amazingly effective. Maria Kingsley, CHt, a certified EFT practitioner, is offering this simple approach together with hypnotherapy and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) in her new location at 1636 North Swan Road, Suite 100, in Tucson. Originally from Taos, New Mexico, Kingsley has practiced and taught these effective modalities for a number of years. Kingsley is starting a new EFT Tapping Group from 5:30 to 7 p.m., February 8.

The underlying principle behind EFT is that, if due to some unusual event or belief your energy system is disrupted and negative thoughts emotional or physical states are associated with it, the result is often physical discomfort or pain, anger, fear or more stress and anxiety. Energy-based healing has become mainstream, because who would not want to use their fingers to tap away any discomfort, change their feelings from negative to joyful or reduce their pain level without medication?

Free, 15-minute initial interview. For more information, call 520-780-0170.