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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Local BraveHeart Woman Travels to Israel

Sarah Amos

Sarah Amos, a local member of BraveHeart Women, will join 33 Western women, 33 Palestinian women and 33 Israeli women for a three-day celebration of peace and harmony between October 24 and 27, in Jerusalem, Israel.

The event will be filmed as part of an ongoing documentary on the nonprofit BraveHeart Foundation’s efforts to bring together women in
conflict zones around the world. Amos reaches out to women globally as one of BraveHeart Women’s “resonators”, participating in training involving an integrated series of exercises and role development and encouraging harmony through feminine collaboration.

A central part of BraveHeart Women events are Oxytocin Circles, which incorporate unique and effective techniques that transform the body from a “fight-or-flight” mode to a state of “create and collaborate,” enabling women to do so more naturally and effectively with one another and with less stress.

“The BraveHeart community is passionate about helping women be part of an ever-expanding global collective of women who intuitively sense they have a critical role to play in shaping a more harmonious future for our world,” says Amos.

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