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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Inspiring Well-Being through Creativity

Pamela Dakota Gold

Arts For The Heart (AFTH) offers individuals opportunities to increase their doses of creativity, to overcome blocks to their creative call or simply to create more pleasure in their lives. Owner Pamela Dakota Gold uses SoulCollage, Playback Theatre, mandala journaling, Creative Life Coaching tools and draws from her 30 years as an Expressive Arts Therapist.

“Creativity and soul expression are underused remedies and portals to a more joyful existence. When we immerse ourselves in creativity, we activate timelessness, relaxation, joy, kindness, energy, nourishment and a deep connection with ourselves and creation,” explains Dakota. “Through this process we discover that creativity is not assigned to a talented few. The creative flow is within all of us. Using our creativity lifts us from a mundane existence to one filled with wonder and awe.”

Dakota guides individuals online, by phone or in-person as well as in groups and workshops. Her upcoming workshop is on using SoulCollage cards and their images as a means for personal readings, providing clarity for 2017. She is co-hosting the event with the Tasteful Kitchen, where tasty morsels will be prepared by the chef.

Workshop location: The Tasteful Kitchen, 722 N. Stone Ave., Tucson. For more information, call 520-906-7542, email [email protected] or visit

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