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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Reiki Can Help Insomnia

Seeking a good night of sleep, free from stress, anxiety and depression? Reiki can be beneficial in helping address the underlying cause of insomnia. If insomnia is a result of stress, anxiety or depression, reiki can help alleviate the problem. The effects of reiki include relaxation, restored concentration and connection. The relaxation process allows the client to put their problems in perspective and find a sense of mental and spiritual balance.

A scientific study published in Biological Research for Nursing explored reiki and its ability to promote calmness, relaxation and a sense of well-being. Reiki can bring balance back to one’s life and restore a healthy sleep pattern.

When concentration is restored, the client feels like they have control over their problems once again. Concentration allows the client to sort out their stressful issues. Making a connection with the reiki provider helps the client feel safe and nurtured. The presence of reiki and the provider creates an atmosphere that is pleasant and welcoming. The results are relief of stress, anxiety and depression,
allowing for better sleep.

Canna Yamamoto is a certified provider of Reiki, Restorative Yoga and Meditation. Reach her at 925-548-9141.