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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Repairing Relationships & the Sacral Chakra

Join in for this powerful workshop where you receive new tools, teachings and modalities on how to heal, align and attract HEALTHIER relationships in your life today!

Join me for a special Google Meet video call, where I start us off in ceremony with a little sound healing and a Nervous System Reset, and Sacral Chakra opening, balancing and alignment, so it can heal during our entire workshop together. We will meet online only, Sept. 12th and 14th 6:00pm Mountain Time Zone You will get: - Workshop handout - Customized Sacral Chakra Affirmations - Energy work on the Sacral Chakra during the workshop to heal you - Tools, teachings and Spirit life coaching all around the theme of relationships in our lives, and how to shift more in to a place of health. A few of the themes we will talk about: - Building Self-Esteem - The Law of Attraction - Pain Projection in those around us - Taking Inventory of Energy Leaks and Energy Givers Hey folks, this is how we actually slow down, and TAKE THE TIME to DO THE WORK! So if you struggle with FOLLOW THROUGH and setting aside TIME in your busy life to reflect and start to discover what is working well for you, and what isn’t. It’s a treasure trove of healing and Spirit guidance that will offer you, life long, sustainable change. BONUS OFFER: COMBO PACK THIS WORKSHOP WITH PRIVATE ENERGY SESSIONS THAT FOCUS ON REMOVING OLD TRAUMA AROUND RELATIONSHIPS IN YOUR FIELD!

Date & Time

Weekly on Tuesday and Thursday

Sep 12, 2023 through Sep 14, 2023

6:00PM - 8:00PM

Participating Businesses

*Higher Heart Healing