
Natural Awakenings Welcomes Your Participation!
Every edition of Natural Awakenings features numerous local News Briefs about events and businesses and one or two Kudos. Our magazine also features Health Briefs and Global Briefs that go into our more than 80 affiliate magazines.
Your editorial submissions are what make Natural Awakenings a community resource for holistic and natural living. We want our readers to get to know you. Submitting editorial for one or more of our departments provides you with the opportunity to share knowledge and bring focus to your business.
It is a good idea to time your submission to our Editorial Calendar pictured below.
NEWS BRIEFS – What's new? Share it with us! Did you open a new
office, recently become certified in a new therapy, or do you have a
special event coming up? We welcome any news items relevant to the
subject matter of our publication. We also welcome any hot tips or
suggestions you may have for a news item. Guidelines and Submission Form
KUDOS - Do you have someone in mind that deserves special recognition for a recent achievement? Did you just pass your licensing exam? We want to let everyone know in a Kudo brief. Guidelines and Submission Form
Articles featured in Natural Awakenings cover a wide range of subjects in the areas of health, healing, inner growth, fitness and earth friendly living. Guidelines and Submission Form
If you would like to submit artwork for consideration for our cover, simply e-mail images or website address to [email protected].