May 2022 Letter From Publisher
Apr 30, 2022 12:00PM ● By Holly Baker
Holly Baker. Styling & Photography by
This month, we’re talking about women. We know them, we are them, we love them.
In our feature article “Resilient Mothering”, we are paying tribute to the strength of women, with particular attention to the last couple of years. We were all faced with unique challenges with the beginning of the pandemic and huge shifts to our daily lives. Mothers, especially, took on additional duties as children were suddenly home every day. Read more about the ways women have adapted, dealt with stress and learned new ways to be thankful, on page 16.
We’ve all probably heard of intermittent fasting as a lifestyle that is gaining more momentum in recent years. But how does it really work, and what are the benefits? Learn more in “Intermittent Fasting Basics”, on page 23, and try out a couple of yummy recipes—great for a nutritious and filling breakfast or lunch.
Do you always forget to drink enough water? Take a sip now! In “Staying Hydrated”, on page 26, get the simple truth about optimal hydration, tips for the best fluids and foods to help hydrate—and learn how your daily coffee affects your hydration.
Join me in raising a glass of water to all the women in our lives!