Jan 29, 2016 09:07AM
The world’s largest spice company has promised to make 80 percent of its herbs and spices both organic and non-GMO by 2016.
Responding to public sentiment, the Shrine Circus CEO has announced an end to acts by elephants, tigers and lions, which he states “are deserving of our respect and awe.”
Aspen is the third municipality in the country to shift entirely away from fossil fuels, thanks partly to price drops in renewables and government disincentives for coal.
Waste and debris pulled from the ocean, including plastic, yarn, fibers, and fishing nets, will be woven into some Adidas shoes this year.
Using morphed photographs of African and Asian faces, researchers have reduced the differentiating response of toddlers to foreign racial groups.
The website WXshift.org uses weather and climate data to forecast what the weather will be like in 2050.
We can make our Joe-to-go more planet-friendly by foregoing the paper cups and plastic stirrers.
Jan 01, 2016 01:05PM
Some of the basic needs of childhood are love and emotional connection, however many of us grow up without these needs being adequately met....
Jan 01, 2016 01:03PM
Mental problems and issues in relationships are often caused by blockages in our unconscious mind. Releasing these blocks requires special a...
Jan 01, 2016 01:01PM
Western society has taught us to suck in our gut and push out our chest when we take a deep breath. Studies have shown that “chest breathing...
Jan 01, 2016 12:57PM
To promote recovery from pain and injury, as well as maintain balance in the body for optimal health, modalities such as whole body cryother...
Jan 01, 2016 12:54PM
We know that receiving regular massage therapy can significantly relieve chronic pain, decrease physical and emotional stress, enhance sleep...
Jan 01, 2016 12:51PM
New research shows that spinal adjustments affect more than spinal nerves, and people may now consider chiropractic for conditions they woul...
Dec 29, 2015 04:25PM
Increasingly, physicians are urging labeling of GMO products and voicing concerns about their carcinogenic properties.
In the last 45 years, overfishing, pollution and climate change have eliminated 75 percent of the family of fish that includes tuna and mackerel, as well as a quarter of shark and ray species.
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