Campaign to Expand Reid Park

A city-wide movement is underway to expand Reid Park by repurposing the two subsidized city golf courses adjacent to Reid Park, Randolph North and Dell Urich, into additional park space.
The positive effect of creating a signature park in the heart of Tucson for our community to gather, connect, celebrate, share, exercise, relax and love will revolutionize and reinvigorate the entire culture of the city, while helping to create a park renaissance city-wide.
This initiative arose after steady declines in golf popularity ended up costing the city of Tucson approximately $10 million over the last 10 years, causing Tucson Parks & Recreation to pull funds out of park and other general funds to account for the loss.
As an interim step, a plan for shared-use is currently underway. Shared-use would allow for pedestrian and cycling use of the golf courses in the evening and other designated times as an alternative to the walking path that encircles them now. It would also open the golf courses to special events such as themed festivals, community events, performances, music festivals and more. Shared-use is just a step along the way to open this space to the public for community benefit.
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