Embracing Hope, Healing and Miracles with Alex Hermosillo

Alex Hermosillo, an internationally known healer, author, spiritual teacher and the founder of the Mastery of Energy Healing Center, in Tempe, will share his inspiring journey through a near-death experience and the spiritual principles given to him about the true nature of hope, how healing occurs and how to receive miracles in all aspects of life from 1 to 3 p.m., September 27. The lecture, What Heaven Taught Me About Hope, Healing and Miracles, is accompanied by a guided healing meditation. Then Hermosillo will offer his teachings and healing techniques in a Mastery of Energy Healing Training Class—Level 1, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., October 19.
Born with a natural gift to help people with their pain with a touch of his hand, Hermosillo was given a second gift in 1997 in a near-death experience where he gained great wisdom and returned from his extraordinary journey with his healing abilities and intuitive senses greatly amplified. Following this life-altering event, he wanted nothing more than to help others experience love, peace and healing in their daily lives; what he calls, “Heaven on Earth.”
Hermosillo will reveal the wisdom given to him while on the “other side” about the true nature of hope, an energy vibration that opens the door of one’s heart to receive healing and miracles that include receiving physical and emotional healing, purposeful work, nurturing and loving relationships and raising one’s consciousness.
Hermosillo advises that participants will experience an increase in energy and vitality; nurture and balance their emotions; strengthen their immune system; and raise their consciousness to receive hope, healing and miracles. He espouses that we all have the power to release the energies of heartaches, heartbreaks, stress, worries, fears, negative thoughts, un-serving emotions and physical illness, so we may experience a happy, healthy and loving life.
Tickets $10 in advance/$20 at the door. Location: Radisson Suites, 6555 E. Speedway Blvd. For more information, call 480-345-9972 or visit MasteryOfEnergyHealing.com. See ad page 3.