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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Affordable Health Care from Mother Nature

Unlike their Eastern counterparts, North American and some European herbalists seek to directly mitigate health issues or facilitate specific bodily functions using particular plants, roots and barks. Native Americans embraced the belief that Mother Nature provides, contending that the herbs of a local environment provide for all of the needs of the people dwelling there. For example, snake weed is prevalent in the Southwest, where encounters with rattlesnakes are frequent. Herbs such as comfrey, arnica and sage, which are found from coast to coast, are used to heal wounds, relieve pain and get rid of parasites, maladies common to people everywhere, according to the Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine.

Every culture in the world has developed and maintained a system of healing based on their indigenous plants, relying on these natural pharmaceutical entities for thousands of years. A human that lived 5,000 years ago found preserved in ice in 1991 was carrying herbs and mushrooms to mitigate health conditions that scientists confirmed were present in his body. 

Despite their effective use for millennia, many modern-day people still question the efficacy and safety of medicinal herbs. Instead of looking to pharmaceutical companies—born of an industry with less than 200 years of experience—to handle our healthcare needs, perhaps the real affordable care act can be found in the plants, roots and barks provided by Mother Nature. 

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