Maintenance Cleaning Plans Available at Pima Cleanpro

Steve Nelson
Pima Cleanpro—best known for residential and commercial carpet cleaning, tile and grout cleaning, upholstery cleaning and pet stain and home odor removal—is now offering maintenance plans to keep our homes healthy, clean and looking new all year long at an affordable monthly, quarterly or bi-annual payment. This includes between two and four cleanings per year, based on each household’s needs.
For more information and to schedule an appointment, call Leana Nelson at 520-262-5411 or visit See ad, page 4.
Pima Cleanpro uses an eco-friendly, citrus-based cleaning solution that dries in about one to two hours and leaves absolutely no residue, so carpets stay clean much longer. The Cleanpro system uses little moisture, and with their exclusive ion exchange cleaning technology, the dirt goes from the carpet up into cleaning pads, leaving carpets damp, not wet.
Steam cleaning is what most people think of when it comes to carpet cleaning. Unlike Pima Cleanpro’s methods, steam cleaning involves pumping a lot of soap and water into carpets, and attempting to extract them back out, which leaves gallons of soap and water behind in carpets, taking days to dry, and leaves a ton of residue on the carpet, so the carpets re-soil very quickly after they are cleaned.
For more information and to schedule an appointment, call Leana Nelson at 520-262-5411 or visit See ad, page 4.