Zoom Yoga Classes for 50+ with Divine Journey Yoga

Trish Harris
Trish Harris, owner and teacher at Divine Journey Yoga, is hosting five yoga classes geared toward people over 50, all online via Zoom. Classes are geared toward older bodies with issues such as arthritis and osteoporosis, balance issues and the need to strengthen and stretch. Participants only need a space on the floor to spread out, maybe a yoga mat and some blocks and a yoga strap. All pets and house mates are invited for the price of one $8 class.
new class link to join each class.
“We all need a place to connect, move our bodies and let go of some stress,” says Harris. “Come join this community of vibrant, happy, hopeful, healing people who are mostly retirees. These residents and snowbirds love their time on mat.”
Harris has been teaching gentle yoga to seniors for six years now. Harris enjoys creating class themes such as courage, self-love, balance and compassion. At the end of most classes, she plays her shruti box and sings some Sanskrit chants to aid in the relaxation of savasana. She is also selling all of her used props at a discount: mats for $10, blocks and straps for $5 each.
Classes can be booked easily online at DivineJourneyYoga.com or by contacting
Harris directly. After booking, participants will immediately receive an email with the new class link to join each class.
For more information, call 520-490-4012, email [email protected] or visit DivineJourneyYoga.com.

Divine Journey Yoga - Tucson, AZ
At Divine Journey Yoga classes, students enjoy a balanced, gentle practice of both Hatha and Yin styles of yoga. Geared toward bodies of all ages and abilities, Trish provides options for... Read More »