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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Patience & Possibility, by Andrea Gould-Marks and Barbara Peters

What’s your book about?
Our book explores the invaluable virtue of patience. The guidance provokes curiosity for a deep dive into a practice crucial to our health and relationships. Appreciating the hidden dynamics of patience is an antidote to the rush for resolution as the pandemic continues to unfold. Patience is still required of citizens and scientists at every step of the emergent reality. The possibility of transforming discomfort is a rewarding path for achieving a greater sense of comfort and well-being.
The vast disruption of our lives has forced us to break many routines and patterns while presenting us elongated time, or as some say “a sacred pause” in our human activity. We see possibility nested in this sacred pause.

Why did you write this book?
The words and graphics offer mindsets to induce useful perspectives that encourage a balance of daily practices. Our goal for writing this book is to help the reader through the uncertainty of these changing times. Our work supports readers to be creative and proactive in addressing the chaos and complexities inherent in this season of life.

What was your mission with the book?
Part of our mission is to offer a multi-dimensional learning experience to better cope with unfavorable realities. The narrative offers a series of mindsets for approaching stressful situations and opens space for creating new possibilities.

Tell us a little about yourself.
Andrea Gould-Marks is a psychologist and author with private practices in New York and Arizona, and Barbara “BB” Peters is a former banker, CFO and entrepreneur from Seattle. Under the nonprofit Boom Talk Media, we combine insightful ideas into useful support for people of all ages. Our eBooks, podcasts, blogs and articles are rooted in practical psychology and offer valuable insights for helping people navigate change.
To date, together we have published two books now available on Amazon: Relief From Worrying and Patience & Possibility. The intention behind this series of small books we call “Relief-lets” is to offer short and graphically stimulating booklets designed to highlight a deep understanding of the beliefs and behaviors that create a sense of optimal well-being.

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