Accelerate Healing of Body, Mind and Soul with Violet Flame Mantras

The mystery of the violet flame unfolds in our life through our own personal experiment, using our voice and visualization. It is free and easy to learn. The violet flame is a high frequency light that works with our mind, heart and body connection. The source is our divine self, made known in modern times by Saint Germain, a violet flame master.
Here are seven reasons to use the violet flame.
1. Using the power of sound has been proven to heal in many clinical cases.
Here are seven reasons to use the violet flame.
1. Using the power of sound has been proven to heal in many clinical cases.
2. The violet flame lightens our burdens and worries; if we feel tense and anxious, the violet flame can give us a new sense of freedom.
3. Using the violet flame can help the world be a better place for incoming generations in the Aquarian Age.
4. Giving violet flame mantras can give us clarity. It goes after schisms that cause psychological problems stemming back to early childhood and previous incarnations.
5. The violet flame liberates us to balance old karmas and old hurts.
6. As Saint Germain said in 1984, “Implementing the violet flame turns around the downward spiral of the chakras and the negative energy…The violet flame is the buoyant joy…that turns around spirits, minds, souls and emotions.”
7. During this current time with sad news of war, the violet flame is vital to send into the world to help others experience hope and healing, and a new desire to find God.
The Summit Lighthouse will discuss and practice the Mystery of the Violet Flame by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on May 15, at 1 p.m. PDT via Zoom. Register for the free event at For more information, visit
The Summit Lighthouse Teaching Center of Phoenix - 4105 N 20th St, Suite 115, Phoenix, AZ
The Summit Lighthouse Teaching Center of Phoenix offers classes on subjects that will raise your consciousness and awareness of who you really are. Topics include Karma and Reincarnation,... Read More »