Safety First, When it Comes to Computers

A recent survey of computer security pros found that 63 percent of those who suffered ransomware attacks in 2021 ended up paying the ransom. Others have problems with “the evil people” when they don’t keep the computers updated. Just last month, Google announced a severe bug in Google Chrome that could allow the evil ones to get information from our computer—say, bank accounts.
All that could happen to our computer systems might happen if they are not kept up to date. For Don Gibbens, owner of GE Computing, in Tucson, “safety first” is the watchword. He can run his “Cleanup Speedup Update” service on clients’ computers at an interval that will keep them safe and ready to use, with less anxiety of catching something or someone who is trying to worm their way in and lock up the system.
Gibbens has been working with computers since 1981, and has been in business since 1984. Gibbens’s greatest desire is to share used computers and his computer knowledge with people-centered nonprofits. His wife of 57 years, Iva, also volunteers in the Tucson area as a reading teacher every week. They have two sons: David, a structural engineer here in Tucson, and Jon, a software engineer in San Jose, California.
For more information, call 520-332-1485, email [email protected] or visit See ad, page 18.

Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services COMPUTER SERVICES: One of Don’s tag lines is, “Computer Sick? Call the Doctor.” He has been helping people keep their computers and tec... Read More »