September 2022 Letter From Publisher
Aug 31, 2022 11:00AM ● By Holly Baker
Holly Baker. Styling & Photography by
Inspiration can be found in so many places—including this month’s edition of Natural Awakenings Tucson, celebrating Inspired Living. After all, what fun is a life uninspired?
Our feature article, “Growing Younger”, on page 16, has inspired me to further embrace the gift that is aging. We’re all aging. It shouldn’t be a bad word. Aging is beautiful. We are getting wiser and better each day. Unfortunately, we may also be experiencing new health struggles as we age, but we can find solutions to these new challenges and stay healthy—ready to tackle what each new day brings.
In “Aging Gracefully” (page 24), learn more about how yoga can—and DOES—keep our bodies strong and healthy. Tao Porchon-Lynch, the oldest yoga teacher on the planet, was teaching a weekly yoga class until just before she died at 101. What a life!
It’s also Yoga Awareness Month, so what better time to take a yoga class and feel these wonderful benefits first-hand? You can find some local studios and classes in our calendar (page 30) and Community Resource Guide (page 33).
For some creative inspiration, check out the adorable, colorful, whimsical artwork by local artist Danuta Jakubowski on page 22. She paints playful images of pets and animals that will leave you more aware of all of nature’s inherent beauty.
May you find inspiration in the little things,