Very Special Alternatives Celebrates 30 Years, New Location

Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN
Very Special Alternatives is celebrating 30 years of providing services for Tucson’s holistic and alternative medicine community. Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN, specializes in infusion services, ozone therapies and colon hydrotherapy. With more than 40 years in health care, her eclectic experience ensures a special touch to support and care for her clients and patients, often in conjunction with other practitioners or providers.
New Location: 2028 E Prince Rd, Rm 9, Tucson. For more information, call 520-403-1686, email or visit See ads, pages 3 and 37.
A warm, safe environment and supportive confidentiality create a relaxed atmosphere for first time clients or those who prefer a more comfort-focused setting. Albrecht thoroughly reviews each person’s health history and consults with them to develop a plan tailored to their needs. Information, suggestions or recommendations center on simple additions and changes to help them achieve their healthcare goals. Extra time is included with every appointment to assess client progress, answer questions or address concerns.
Albrecht marks 27 years this year as a colon therapist and 13 years utilizing her gentle, “Slow Flow” method for colonic irrigation. The gentle infusion of water to exercise the colon and cleanse the buildup of waste can improve or restore function and maintain the foundation of health and well-being. As science continues to prove the importance of gut and microbiome health, colonics continue to grow in popularity as a safe, simple and effective therapy.
“Routine care can facilitate efficient elimination,” Albrecht says. “Provide your body with a foundation for effective detoxification, improved immune function and health rejuvenation. Go with the flow...The road to health is paved with good intestines.”
New Location: 2028 E Prince Rd, Rm 9, Tucson. For more information, call 520-403-1686, email or visit See ads, pages 3 and 37.

Appointments at 3861 N First Ave, Rm 3 or Your Space/Home COLON HYDROTHERAPY: RN-delivered colonics. FDA-approved system integrated with a full, closed gravity option. Infrared Th... Read More »