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Natural Awakenings Tucson

An Afternoon with John Robbins

John Robbins, best selling author of Diet for a New America, Healthy at 100, and The Food Revolution, will speak from 2 to 4 p.m., October 30,
at the DoubleTree Hotel, in Tucson.

Robbins is the recipient of the Rachel Carson award, the Albert Schweitzer humanitarian award, the Peace Abbey’s Courage of Conscience award and lifetime achievement awards from groups such as Green America. He describes his talk in Tucson, entitled: The Agony and the Ecstasy of our Times.

“We are living in times of great planetary anguish. There is untold suffering and imbalance in people’s lives. Many live with deep fear for the future. In such a time, what healing response is being called for? Is it possible for us to turn the tide, so that in our lifetimes we may yet see a spiritually fulfilling, socially just, and environmentally sustainable human presence on this planet? Can we meet illness and lack of balance in
ourselves and in others, and transform them into wellness and strength?”

Robbins has been a speaker at major conferences sponsored by Physicians for Social Responsibility, Beyond War, Oxfam, the Sierra Club, the Humane Society of the United States, the United Nations Environmental Program, UNICEF and other organizations dedicated to creating a healthy, just, and sustainable way of life.

Cost is $25. Location: 44 South Alvernon Way, Tucson. To register or for more information call the Healthy You Network at 520-275-7999.