Qigong Offers Tools for Self-Care, Whole-Self Living

Heather Chalon
Qigong Therapist Heather Chalon brings her personalized approach to nurturing individual’s desires to participate in their health and take charge of their own well-being. Qigong and T’ai chi are the foundation of her program, inspiring a community of wellness. Chalon’s depth of expertise helps stroke survivors, postsurgery recovery, cancer survivors, rheumatoid patients, children and adults to regain and maintain natural vitality.
Qigong is the cornerstone of an ancient system teaching fun, simple practices anyone can learn and apply to foster wellness—body, mind, spirit. Focus on natural breathing, body alignment, focused intention, sound and gentle movement allows one’s natural state of wellness to flourish. Practices can be adapted to an individual’s mobility level, and no special clothing, equipment, previous experience is necessary. There is a natural gateway to playing T’ai chi, a standing qigong form comprised of slow, precise movements, moving meditation.
Heather Chalon, MPH, offers classes, workshops, private instruction, worksite wellness, senior programs, wellness retreats, qi healing sessions. Contact her at [email protected] or 520-261-6657. MoveIntoWellbeing.com