Creating Sacred Space with Self-Expression

The future is a blank canvas, filled with infinite possibilities. We live in a continuous, creative space, always choosing what we desire to create for our tomorrow, but are we choosing from a “heart space” or from a place within our minds?
Creating Sacred Space is a fun-filled group aimed at providing an opportunity for the exploration of our own divine inner direction, a place to free the creative spirit and listen to our intuitive voice within. Using various art media, individuals get out of their heads to discover their creative power and to feel inspired and empowered.
No previous training in art is necessary to participate. This is a group to get the creative juices flowing and get in touch with the inner artist through art. All that is needed is a willingness to talk, laugh, write, breathe, play and put some paint on the brushes. Art, and lots of it, as well as fun and new friendships, will be made as participants remember that creating art is an act of the soul.
Location: 3861 N. 1st Ave., Tucson. For more information, call 520-730-2553 or email Patricia Orphanidis at [email protected].