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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Keeping Your New Year’s Health and Fitness Resolutions

Jan 30, 2012 03:57PM ● By Robert Grinnell

Do you remember that fitness resolution you made just four weeks ago? How are you doing with that? If you are like many Americans—not so good. Here are some suggestions to get you back on track and continue making progress towards your goal.

The first two weeks of February are typically the time when resolutions fail and the gyms clear out. It’s a burnout time. Prevent this from happening by taking action now. Get a buddy who will be there for you. Find out what optimal health feels like and fully reach your potential.

Your buddy can offer support when you are not feeling so motivated to take your walk, go to the gym, or just get outside and move. Your friend not only can give you that extra kick or push you need, but can be there, participating with you. Find someone with similar needs and goals and work together as a team to empower yourselves to excel to your full potential.

Ask your family for help. Make a walking, soccer, swimming or tennis date with the kids or your spouse/partner, and keep it. Enjoy our beautiful weather as often as possible. Consider trying new healthy recipes, which will offer variety at home and shake things up with your taste buds.

Take a class through a gym, parks and recreation department or a private studio. This will also offer another opportunity to meet a potential workout buddy. If you are unable to find a resolution partner, consider hiring a personal trainer to be there when you need them. A trainer will not only be available during scheduled appointments, but will text, email and call (if needed) to check in with you. The two of you can sit down and figure out what your needs and goals are and how best to get there.

You will thank yourself for sticking with the program every time you wake up energized, look in the mirror and see results, and find yourself participating, instead of spectating.

ACE certified personal trainer Robert Grinnell, at Tucson Therapy, has been in the business for 22 years and offers individual sessions in a private facility, your home or the good old outdoors. For more information call 520-247-7755 or email [email protected].

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