Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet Class

Tools for Spiritual Growth facilitator Susan Thompson says, “’When I tell people I am a vegetarian, ‘Where do you get your protein?’ is the question I am asked the most.” She will teach a free class, Tools for Spiritual Growth: Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet, from 10 to 11 a.m., April 14, at Unity of Tucson.
Thompson admits that getting enough protein was a big concern during her transition to a plant-based diet 20 years ago, and says, “For a protein to be considered complete, it must contain all nine essential amino acids.” The class will cover the topic of protein thoroughly and students will receive a complimentary shopping list and recipes to make it easy to add in new meals. She states, “This will be a jam-packed hour of information and resources, so mark your calendar and bring a friend!”
Location: 3617 N. Camino Blanco, Annex Rm. 3. For more information, call 520-603-1558 or visit