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Natural Awakenings Tucson

What is QIGONG really about?: Reaching Your Highest Energetic Potential in One Lifetime

May 30, 2014 11:37AM ● By Jeff Primack

Qigong is about Breath Mastery. The best schools emphasize BREATHING to remove blockages and build a surplus of energy. Through technical training in abdomen placement, you can increase your body temperature and blood circulation on demand. When someone lays hands on another person while doing Tumo breathing it can send profound waves of healing Qi into that person. Genesis 2:7 “God formed man of the dust of the ground & BREATHED into his NOSTRILS the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Does it weaken our connection to Spirit if we are breathing shallow? Scripture suggests a connection with being alive and breath incoming through our nostrils. What if we breathed consciously and deeper all day?

Qigong is about Getting High Naturally. Alcohol transforms the mind-state, yet also destroys the liver. Qi has no side effect except making you feel full of vitality. Its highs are beyond words. With focused practice most people can move Qi causing a mild to intense euphoria. Qi being free, abundant, right under our noses makes it the ultimate ally to rise above life’s obstacles and reduce stress.

Qigong Strength Training is nurturing to Qi instead of taxing like some traditional exercises. If you have old injuries you can practice Qigong. We use “Holding Qi” postures like Horsestance to build the root chakra and leg strength. When doing HyperThrows in our routines we use fast followed by slow brushing movements, which works wonders for circulatory issues, building speed/strength and giving a burst of energy. Yin & Yang alternating movements open arteries to expand blood flow beyond what traditional exercise is capable of.

Anyone can do Qigong Strength Training, even the severely injured. Mike Maier, a retired fighter pilot and martial arts seeker was so badly injured he couldn’t hold his arms above his head for more than ten seconds. He directly came up to me at our 2000 person National Qigong Conference to complain of his discomfort.

I advised his body was adaptogenic and building new neurons as we were talking preparing his arms for the next time he would be holding the postures. 6 months later Mike became an advanced teacher of our Qigong Strength Training. I personally watched him do 200 pushups, which is prerequisite for passing that certification. He could not do even one single push up before meeting us! The belief is Qi moves blood and possibly helped move circulation into his torn shoulder along pathways that were previously blocked. This is an example of how Qigong can heal.

Enlightenment requires a body that can hold the light. Fitness is not only about muscles; it’s about the nervous system. Your lower abdomen is the seat of what Qigong calls your “Dan Tien” and it’s your center of gravity housing the majority of vital energy. It wasn’t until I learned pranayama breathing that I myself experienced being one with the universe. My whole body filled with blissful electricity that hummed inside me. For a time I was one with spirit and matter and I knew I was going to dedicate my life to teaching how to access this bliss naturally. Yogis describe nirvana as a mind-state where we access our Super Consciousness. From these higher-vibration states we can receive divine insight and creativity.

Healthcare Practitioners need Qigong and can prevent getting drained by using specialized breath/movement exercises. This is a fact for many therapists and nurses that I encounter. Each year we train hundreds of registered nurses and nearly all of them complain that they constantly feel drained. Often massage therapists take on the aches and pains of their clients. While this may sound superstitious I assure you the phenomena is real. Often doctors who specialize in a certain aspect of medicine are exposed to a certain “Energy Information Signal” so frequently that they end up with the same problems they are surrounded by. What is a healer supposed to do? By using Qigong one can easily cleanse their energies. Many nurses after Qigong say they’re no longer affected by other people’s energy so dramatically and can get through a full shift without feeling depleted.

Practicing Qigong in Groups is the Secret! By the year 1999, before Qigong was made illegal to practice in groups, there were 100-200 million Chinese people practicing under a handful of very famous Qigong masters. Approximately 10% of the Chinese population was practicing in a Qigong meet up group usually held at universities, government buildings or public parks. Dr. Yan Xin was perhaps the most influential Qigong figure of all time. He facilitated 30,000-person Qi Lectures inside of stadiums. Due to the huge COLLECTIVE ENERGY at these stadium events many experienced the deepest levels of Qigong within hours and many healings were reported. Historically speaking, Qigong went from being practiced by almost no Chinese people in the 1970’s to a mind blowing 200 million by mid 1980’s! I believe Qigong is God-Connecting, humbling, healing to the spirit and unifies people, which is something the Chinese government is not supporting now. America is different and I am proud to live where my country supports the right to gather in freedom! Why only $149 for 4-Days Qigong? Because we want the secret to get out! Hundreds moving and breathing in sync is truly vivid and allows you to experience ENERGY beyond what you could by yourself.

“Qi Revolution” comes to AUSTIN, TX. Austin Convention Center on June 14th – 17th and PHOENIX, AZ. Phoenix Convention Center on June 21st – 24th. Jeff Primack, Kai Van Bodhi and dozens more Instructors will host 4-days of Qigong Training for $149. To reserve tickets & for more info, call 1-800-298-8970 or visit

Coming in December 2024

Deadline November 10th. Email [email protected] today for details.

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