Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture Available in Tucson

Nanie Carrillo
Nanie Carrillo, LAc, Dip OM, is now offering Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture, a nontoxic alternative to Botox and other invasive cosmetic procedures. Mei Zen utilizes an ancient, superficial needling technique that brings increased qi and blood to the face and can improve or increase the production of collagen and elastin, resulting in more radiant and youthful-looking skin.
Because Mei Zen is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture body points are added to complete the balancing of energy, results in an overall rejuvenating and healing effect of body, mind and spirit.
Reported benefits of Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture include improvements in fine lines and deep wrinkles of the face; softer and more moisturized skin and a more even skin tone; improved muscle tone and firmer jaw lines; reduction or elimination of rosacea and acne; and general health benefits include improvements for insomnia, hot flashes, depression, mild anxiety and digestive symptoms.
In TCM, the state of physical health, emotions, and spirit is reflected on the skin, particularly the face.
For a free consultation, call 520-979-7078 or email [email protected]. Location: 330 E. 16th St., within Caritas Center for Healing, in Armory Park. For more information, visit See ad page 17.