Subjects Needed for University Depression Study

The University of Arizona is looking for individuals to participate in a study testing a non-medication-based treatment for major depression. This treatment will involve receiving a single session of one of two intensities of whole body hyperthermia (WBH), which has been safely used for many years in Europe to treat conditions such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and the symptoms of cancer.
When clinicians there noticed marked decreases in patients’ depressive symptoms, they conducted a small scale clinical trial to test WBH as a depression treatment. Based on the initial positive results of this study, a full-scale clinical trial is being conducted in Tucson to determine whether WBH can be used as a treatment for major depression.
This study is UA IRB-approved and compensation is provided to eligible subjects. Study candidates should be between the age of 18 and 65; experiencing depression for at least four weeks; not taking an antidepressant; medically healthy; not actively abusing drugs or alcohol; able to swallow capsules; have no gastrointestinal problems (esophageal stricture, diverticulitis, etc.); have no silicone or saline implants; and have no history of cancer in past five years.
For more information, call 520-314-7492; email: [email protected] or visit See ad page 12.