Psychic Fair at Tamara Spiritual Center

Tamara Spiritual Center
Tamara Spiritual Center is hosting a Psychic Fair from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., February 21, with 30-minute readings for $25. The fair is an intuitive smorgasbord, where intuitives tune into the spiritual energies around people and discern information that may help people better understand themselves. Options for readings may include card readings, oracle stones, automatic writing and past-life regression.
A spokesperson for the event says, “Intuitives are simply folks who have trained themselves to tune into the vast and invisible information available to all humanity. One facet of Tamara Spiritual Center’s spiritual belief/philosophy is that being intuitive is something we all have within us. When you have a ‘hunch’, you are accessing your own intuitive abilities, and whether or not you listen to the hunch often has a very real influence on your life.”
Location: 3002 E. Fort Lowell. For more information, call 520-325-0513 or visit See ad page 26.