Animal Welfare and Healthy Eating

Holly Baker
This month, the theme for our issue is animal welfare and healthy eating. Many people tend to ignore their diets suffering the inevitable consequences of poor eating habits. For overall health, it is important that you know if your diet is serving you properly. Knowing what foods make you feel better—or worse— can be an important place to start. Some individuals can feel good no matter what they eat, but, if you are not one of them, (like myself), you may want to rethink your diet in light of some of the advice in this issue.
There are so many diets publicized by authors and the media looking to sell books. Each one is always touted as the best by its author, with words such as; amazing, remarkable, new, and scientific—but it is up to you to separate the “hype” from the truth and figure out what works best.
For more than 15 years, I had been trying different diets when a “cosmic two-by-four” hit me in the form of all kinds of serious physical symptoms. I was just plain sick—all the time! I realized then that to feel better, I would need to make some drastic changes to my diet. Unfortunately, I am not one of those lucky people with the luxury of taking my diet for granted. So, I started changing it, eliminating gluten, diary and refined sugar and trying several vegetarian and vegan diets, smoothie diets, the paleo diet—all without any substantial success.
I recently tried a new diet and was surprised with some amazing results. It is called the Gut and Physiology Syndrome (GAPS) diet and it seems to be allowing my body to heal on many new levels. Personally, I could never have imagined that I would be making homemade bone broths and soups (humanely raised), as a staple and avoiding all grains and many carbohydrates. But, I feel better than I have in years. This diet seems to help heal the gut, where most illnesses originate.
By tuning into what my body was telling me, I have gained some unexpected but very welcome dividends. Instead of dragging myself around after a meal, I feel great and I have sustained energy throughout the day and into the evening—all without the heartburn, indigestion and other unpleasant digestive symptoms of the past.
Our issue this month contains many articles to help you with your diet. Liana Werner Gray talks about the Earth Diet and why it’s important, while Judith Fertig presents some interesting ideas for those of you with health issues that still enjoy dining out, and Nava Atlas discusses in detail the nutritional powerhouses called greens and several recipes for preparing them.
Then, when it comes to concern about animal welfare, Sandra Murphy provides a detailed look at ways to protect our pets as well as to preserve the health of many animals in the wild.
As always, this issue contains a wealth of diverse information, including tips for gardening and composting, debunking some popular fitness myths, and some critical advice for teenagers.
I invite you to peruse the issue and enjoy the expert advice and wisdom of our authors.
Eat well and be well,