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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Author of BodyFueling Offers Individual Coaching Programs

Robyn Landis

Robyn Landis, author of the best-selling BodyFueling and Herbal Defense, is now offering individual coaching programs in Tucson and worldwide. Her work uplifts clients to become super-savvy and empowered, so they experience healthy self-care as a pleasure and privilege—integrating mind, body and spirit.

Landis is gifted at cutting through layers of confusing, overwhelming health headlines and sound bites to streamline and synthesize the most proven essentials. Another specialty is igniting powerful motivation to apply those essentials. With infectious exuberance, energy, compassion and common-sense logic, she deflates myths, distractions and objections. In their place, she helps create compelling, juicy inspiration for healthy choices and habits that lead to radiant well-being.

Landis is currently working on her third book, BodyFueling Reloaded—Not Your Parents’ Middle Age to share how her 25 years of living an organic, plant-based life has supported a vibrant, youthful “maturity” that reflects our true potential. She embodies and transmits a possibility for aging naturally and beautifully that feels and looks remarkable.

The original BodyFueling schooled readers in often-misunderstood basics about food, exercise and the body—liberating them from the “diet thinking” that obstructs healthy, conscious living. For more than two decades since, Landis has taught and modeled a fit, fueled and sustainable life.

For more information, call 520-314-0994, email [email protected] or visit See ad, page 6.