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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Bring Harmony to the Mind, Body and Nature

Nov 01, 2016 06:37PM ● By Jeanette Gibler

We’re approaching the time of year when life speeds up and we begin adding much more to our to-do lists. We feel increased pressure, stress and overwhelm to get things done, buy the best gifts and host great parties.

If we tuned into nature and its cycles, we would witness how it slows down during this time of year, as if becoming introspective. Animals go into hibernation, trees shed leaves and the days become shorter. It’s the perfect time to slow down and check in with ourselves, and not be overscheduled and overburdened.

Bringing awareness and curiosity to the concept of cyclical living in harmony with nature can bring great relief to our minds and bodies this time of year. It may help us to choose our priorities and consciously create a plan for personal success.

7 Harmonizing Habits

1. Get plenty of sleep. Besides exercising and eating well, research shows we’re more likely to succeed at our tasks and enjoy greater well-being when rested.

2. Nourish your spirit. Spirituality can mean something different for everyone. Connect to what you find meaningful, whether it’s a higher power, creativity or being in nature.

3. Get rid of stuff you no longer need. Like the tree, we can shed the old, feel liberated and prepare our space for something new.

4. Finish incompletions. What is pulling at your energy? You said you needed to finish it last year and you think of it often.

5. Connect with others. Email or texting is no substitute for face-to-face visits. Enjoy time with family and friends, have meaningful conversations, join a
local group of interest and intentionally increase laughter.

6. Let yourself off the hook. Commit to doing what brings you real joy. Do more of what you love and less of what everyone else thinks you should do.

7. Take time to go inward. Sit in silence for five minutes every day while taking long, full breaths. This will ground and align you with the natural occurring rhythms of stillness in nature.

Jeanette Gibler is a life coach and business coach, certified in Awaking Excellence and Empowerment Coaching. She is a keynote speaker and facilitates women’s wisdom circles and empowerment trainings. Gibler brings practical and cutting-edge transformational techniques and tools to her clients to support them living in their highest potential. Call for details. Connect at 520-730-9277 or See ad, page 19.