Tucson’s Friendly and Fearless Death Café Begins 5th Year

The Tucson Death Café, now in its fifth year, meets the first Wednesday of each month, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., hosted by Isabel Amorous, who has a master’s in Death Education and The Arts. The group gives people an opportunity, as well as the confidence and courage, to talk openly and freely about death, dying, grief, loss and related subjects—often for the first time.
Tucson’s Death Café is lovingly known as “friendly and fearless”. Over 3,940 Death Cafés have been held in 40 countries since the birth of the Death Café concept in 2011, when it was founded by Jon Underwood in the U.K. (based on the work of Bernard Crettaz). Later introduced by Lizzy Miles in the U.S., Death Cafés are simply group-directed conversations about death and related subjects. Subject matter is not provided and there are no speakers or experts because Death Café strives to be welcoming to all and does not promote any agendas or particular points of view.
Death Cafés are not grief support or counseling groups. Cake is provided to sweeten the conversation. Participants have commented that they enjoy the opportunity to speak openly about death and listen to and explore diverse viewpoints in a safe, respectful environment. For detailed descriptions of what has been discussed in the past, see the monthly write-ups published online.
Location: Ward 6, 3202 E. First St., Tucson. For more information, call 520-261-7003, email [email protected] or visit Facebook.com/TucsonDeathCafe.