New Natural Awakenings App

The Natural Awakenings healthy living, healthy planet lifestyle app has been upgraded with a brand-new look and updated features. The changes to the free app, which has already been downloaded by 40,000-plus users, will make keeping up with the best choices for a green and healthy lifestyle easier than ever.
New features include being able to sign up for promotions, updates and newsletters plus linking to the Natural Awakenings website. Visitors can find local magazines nationwide; a national directory of healthy and green businesses and resources with products, practitioners and services, complete with directions; updated national monthly magazine content; archives of hundreds of previously published articles on practical, natural approaches to nutrition, fitness, creative expression, personal growth and sustainable living by national experts that are searchable by key words; and an archive of articles in Spanish.
“These upgrades and expanded accessibility will empower people to enjoy healthier, happier and longer lives more easily than ever before,” notes Natural Awakenings founder Sharon Bruckman.
To download the free app, search for Natural Awakenings on Google Play or the Apple app store or visit See ad, page 43.