September 2018 Letter From Publisher

We are so pleased to announce our brand new Plant Medicine section, starting this month: Nature is my Medicine. This has been a labor of love and well-being, as we’re realizing the wide use and efficacy of various plants as medicine.
Plant medicine is emerging as a powerful ally in the war on drugs. It’s strange how using herbs, plants, roots, flowers and bark as medicine is considered alternative, or off the beaten path, when in reality, it’s the oldest and most natural way to treat and cure countless maladies that plague the human race. Looking at all the options and benefits of cannabis available right now, it’s important for readers to understand their choices.
Starting on page 30, take a look at not only the medicinal benefits of nature’s plants like cannabis and components such as CBD, but also herbs we have readily available in our kitchen cabinets or gardens. Each month we’ll be putting the spotlight on a different herb as well, with a brief overview of what it is and why it’s powerful.
Speaking of gardens, check out the in-depth look at what the herbicide Roundup, or glyphosate, actually does to the human body, on page 28. Education is important when choosing any product we use in or outside our homes, but glyphosate could be harming us in other ways, simply because our neighbors may be using the toxin. Anne Blessing shares ways to limit our risk of exposure in our food, water and air.
We’re also offering lots of options for joint health and pain in these pages, including chlorophyll, yoga, proper nutrition, cannabis and LDN. Whatever your body or soul may be currently seeking, you can find some bit of relief or nourishment in this issue.