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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Life-Changing Retreats with Vida Real Center

When Joyce Sierra and Debbi Lynn realized they both had the same goals to hold retreats, they decided to join their skills with Vida Real Center, offering events, tours and retreats, as well as personal and career coaching. Sierra has been leading women’s retreats since the 1990s, and Lynn gained her inspirations after spending considerable time in Costa Rica.

Retreats are essential and serve the purpose of nourishing the soul, allowing introspection and listening to our “inner world”, especially when our reservoirs are running low. They provide valuable time when we can escape from daily responsibilities and routines. This opens the space for renewal, new insights and most importantly, being our “authentic selves”.

“Our retreats provide a balance of solitude, fun and adventure, as well as learning new tools to improve the quality of our lives. The tools we practice are various methods of meditation, Life Assessment Charts, journaling and other strategies for overcoming life’s challenges to develop habits for a healthy lifestyle,” explains Sierra. “The key: there is time and space to make them a practice minus outside interference of ‘things that must get done’.”

To learn more about their upcoming retreat to Costa Rica, view the schedule of activities on their website. There is a maximum of 10 participants.

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