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Natural Awakenings Tucson

March 2019 Letter From Publishers

In this food-centric March edition of Natural Awakenings, our contributors are brimming with insights and information about all things healthy eating—from local gluten-free dining to the benefits of drinking tea and more.

For instance, did you know that 70 percent of the immune system resides in the lining of the gut? That’s just one critical issue writer Melinda Hemmelgarn addresses in “Nutrition Upgrades: Five Strategies for Better Health”, page 23. Ditch the diet, eat for yourself and the planet and learn about the care and feeding of that all-important microbiome.

Our Plant Medicine section is shining a light on the benefits of tea this month. The most popular beverage in the world, tea has a long and intriguing history. More of a coffee person? Read “The Power of Tea” on page 30 and you might well consider swapping out your latte for the healthy energy boost from black tea.

With spring arriving, seasonal allergies may not be far behind. In “Exercise vs. Allergies”, learn some simple ways to get your body moving and your allergies on the mend. And don’t forget to drink plenty of water!

Speaking of, March 22 is World Water Day, a time to take stock of water scarcity, the top long-term global risk for the next decade. Did you know it takes more than 3,000 gallons to produce a smartphone and 55 gallons for a single egg? There’s plenty of food for thought here that goes far beyond watering our lawns and low-flush toilets.
