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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Reflexology for Ageless Radiant Beauty

The phrase, “beauty is only skin deep” is interpreted as physical beauty being just superficial. But the skin is important and, in fact, the body’s largest organ.

Skin is named the integumentary (covering) system and operates in harmony with all other body systems. It functions as a protector for the organs and regulates the body’s temperature, provides sweat glands and hair follicles, stores water and prevents water loss, stores fat, gathers sensory information from the environment and prevents bacteria from entering the body.

Thousands of receptor cells live in the thicker skin on the soles of the feet, making them among the most nerve-rich parts of the body. Reflexology on the feet sends calming and relaxing messages to the brain through these cells. It also helps improve circulation so all living cells get a fresh supply of oxygen and nutrients. Reflexologists often notice immediate changes in the color, texture, tone and overall vitality of their clients’ skin, appearing soft, pink, moisturized and younger looking.

But, the true magic of reflexology is how it subtly but powerfully accesses and
releases deep tension anywhere in the human body, allowing for the natural, ageless radiance to shine through. Now, that’s real beauty.

Cheryl Foster, a Nationally Board Certified Reflexologist, has been in practice for 15 years. Her gentle practice, Barefoot Dreams Reflexology, is now offering a special introductory rate for new clients. Connect at 520-345-4554, [email protected] or See ad, page 19.