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Natural Awakenings Tucson

The Algorithm for a Happy Life

The computer world can teach us how to focus on what we want. Information is power. So how can we collect the information we want for a happy experience in our life?
We can make long lists of what is not good, but we don’t often focus on what we truly desire and put our undivided focus on that. We start with appreciation for what is in our lives now that is good and working for us. It starts with the feeling of “yes!” Feelings are energy that bring more of what is here now. When we look at our life and see what we like, what makes us alive, accepted and successful, that is the information that creates algorithms for success in any aspect of our lives.
The opposite is also true. When we focus on what is not right in our lives, more of that comes to us. It is worthwhile to take time to evaluate our lives, our thoughts and our feeling household. To refocus can be difficult, but it is not impossible. We must appreciate what makes us feel good, safe, noticed and heard—pay attention, focus on what feels uplifting and observe while adjusting and moving closer to what we truly want.
How can Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or hypnosis help us find the algorithm for a happy life? We need to remember that feelings are the key: we choose a happy feeling. EFT can then remove or reduce fear, doubt or pain that may be a hindrance. Hypnosis imprints these good feelings into our subconscious to easily find comfort with this desired happiness. While deeply relaxed, we anchor good feelings into our mind and body. This then results in automatic positive choices during normal activities, just like the pop-up ads appear on our computer.

Maria Kingsley is a hypnotherapist and Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner. Connect at 520-780-0170.