Web of Life Animist Minister Ordainment Online Training

We are all connected by, and equal threads in, the Sacred Web of Life. We can honor this connection and serve Earth and her people by becoming a legally Ordained Minister. A minister has the accreditation to conduct Animist marriage and rites of passage ceremonies, individual space holding sessions, land and space blessings and more. The upcoming October 11 training is friendly to most Plant Medicine Practitioners.
For more information, visit Tinyurl.com/WOLministerprogram.
This one-year online training is designed to inspire people to find their own unique path of ministry in alignment with the practices of the Web of Life Animist Church. These practices include: honoring our similarities and differences with all living creatures, listening to our Ancestors as well as the Spirits of the Web of Life, deconstructing colonized mind in self and community, being a keeper of sacred traditions and healing ways in the community, supporting and advocating for members of the congregation and tending the healing of personal and cultural traumas to have the capacity to hold space for others.
This work is approached from an Animist viewpoint, seeing social justice, decolonization and personal/ancestral healing as integral parts of helpful and authentic Spirituality.
Donation amounts for each offering are listed as a sliding scale to ensure greater access for participants across the financial spectrum. Low income BIPOC and LGBTQ scholarship options are available.
For more information, visit Tinyurl.com/WOLministerprogram.

SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS: All Earth-honoring people are welcome. Labyrinth walks, drum journeys, intuitive development, recovery, LGBTQ support. Family circles, personal sessions, community cl... Read More ยป