Roses Are Red, but Why are Your Cheeks Always Red, Too?

The National Rosacea Society has designated April as Rosacea Awareness Month to educate the public on the impact of this chronic and widespread facial disorder that is estimated to affect more than 16 million Americans, with 3 million new sufferers diagnosed annually.
Three out of four rosacea sufferers are middle-aged white women who commonly seek treatment for the associated symptoms of central face redness and reactivity, broken and dilated blood vessels, fluid-filled pimples and eye irritation. Family history of rosacea and hypersensitivity to microscopic skin mites are believed to be strong predictive factors.
Situations known to trigger rosacea-related flushing include exercise that produces body heat, hormonal changes, hot foods and drinks, alcohol, spicy foods, facial cleansing, stress and embarrassing situations. Although this skin condition cannot be cured and may progress from pre-rosacea, mild and moderate to severe rosacea, there are several self-care interventions that can be used to reduce the severity of rosacea symptoms and frequency of flare-ups.
Gentle skin care with hypoallergenic, pH-balanced products that repair the protective barrier function of the skin is essential, as well as an awareness and adjustment of the diet, digestive and lifestyle factors that may play a role in either exacerbating or controlling this inflammatory skin condition. Treatment with antibiotics, antifungals and/or steroids may be required to reduce symptoms during acute breakouts, while ongoing attention and understanding of changeable skincare needs is necessary to minimize irreversible skin damage.

Pampered Skin & Soul Studio - 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, Tucson, AZ
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