Don’t Let Bacteria Spoil the Party

During the holiday season, we may eat more often from dishes of food that have been sitting out for some time. Mayonnaise in noodles, egg and potato salads and unwashed fruit can deliver sickening doses of numerous bacteria. Turkey and chicken can be a significant source of salmonella. Even lettuce and spinach in salads can harbor E. coli. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control estimates that 50 million Americans each year get sick from foodborne illnesses. As many as 3,000 people will die. With 50 million reported cases a year, how is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration going to protect us from home-cooked meals?
There is something that we can do to protect ourselves. Laboratory testing and clinical studies have shown that a strongly enhanced, aqueous silver colloid will kill E. coli, salmonella, staph and other food-borne bacteria. Drinking one ounce, waiting 30 minutes and drinking another ounce can stop even the most severe occurrence of food poisoning without antibiotics. This technique has been shown to be so effective against Salmonella typhi that it was recently delivered for humanitarian aid to health clinics in Haiti.
We can enjoy dining and protect our families from food poisoning this holiday season and throughout the new year. Just have enhanced aqueous silver colloid on hand to administer the antidote at the first sign of stomach pain or belly ache.
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