New Technology for Skin Tightening and Resurfacing

Fibroblast therapy, a non-laser, non-surgical approach to skin tightening and skin re-surfacing, is a brand new way to tighten skin anywhere on the face or body. It is done with a handheld tool called a plasma arc. The arc is produced when an electrical current coming through a machine and oxygen are placed very close to the skin. It can be described as “like a tiny bolt of lightning”.
The arc touches the skin causing it to slightly, temporarily, dehydrate, which in turn causes the skin to contract and tighten. Within a few days, the skin will rehydrate and stimulate collagen production. This production means younger, tighter looking skin—rewinding the “aging clock”.
This technology has been very popular in Europe and Asia for quite some years, but it is just hitting the U.S. like a tsunami. For skin that is slackening, resulting in droopy eyes, jowls, turkey neck, wrinkled cheeks, crow’s feet, lip lines or forehead creases, this may be the answer. The treatment is also good for helping eradicate stretch marks, scars, loose belly skin and even saggy, baggy arms. It even works on getting rid of unwanted tattoos.
Fibroblast therapy is not surgery. There is no cutting, no stitches, nothing to be allergic to and very little down time. It provides subtle results that people will notice. It is advised to avoid direct sun exposure for a while afterward, so now may be a perfect time to be treated.
Debbie Shaw is owner of Alternatives in Health Care Detox Therapy Spa, the first spot in Tucson to offer Fibroblast therapy. She is offering a free consultation and aftercare kit to the first 10 people that mention this article and book an appointment ($50 value). Connect at 520-275-4510 or See ad, page 15.