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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Singing for Children’s Health

Jul 31, 2019 12:17PM ● By Sarah Evans

Singing has always been a natural phenomenon in children. They sing free of physical tension, on the in-breath and out-breath and freely. Voice with its attendant speech and/or song is the gift given to all human beings and which all long to express. Children in their state of innocence and health have the conditions to express the purity of true singing.

Children should never be separated from their love of singing. On the contrary, if one would set the child in the middle of the sound stream, saturate them with the singing of other children and patiently do many sound exercises with them, they would surely find that their latent musicality can be awoken. This is not just a theory, but generously confirmed with success.

True singing loosens the physical body and builds inner strength. From the third grade onward, children “feel well” with the singing exercises that are expressed through stories and song. Singing brings in new learning methods to learn joy, the very nature of children.

Research has confirmed the healing forces of singing—primarily the therapeutic forces that balance the inner life with the outer instrument. Singing is unphysical, the source or force that makes us grow and balance our numerous polarities: receiving and giving, extravert and introvert, in and out breathing. Sounds heal, and incomparably the sound to heal the human child is within their own voice.

Sarah Evans starts working with children at age 7 and offers group, private and classroom lessons. Connect at 520-661-6666 or

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