Stress Relief and Cannabis Retreats: Offered by Natural Healing Care Center
Sep 29, 2020 06:50PM ● By David Yrigoyen
For stress, there are a variety of tools for relief. Nature, meditation, breath work, herbs, nutrition, body work, essential oils—these are just some of those tools. Natural Healing Care Center (NHCC), in Tucson, understands that, and that is why they take a multifaceted approach to stress relief. Incorporating more than one method of relief will not only relax the mind and body, but it will also foster the confidence for preventative relief. The more we utilize these tools for stress relief in our daily routines, the easier it is to maintain a level of inner peace and function at a higher vibrational frequency, as we were meant to be.
NHCC carries a variety of herbs and hemp CBD products that aid in stress relief, along with services including acupuncture, guided meditation sessions, intro to yoga and breath work, cannabis (medical marijuana) certifications and consultations, plant medicine seminars, cannabis retreats, naturopathic medicine and more. All products have been used by staff and come doctor recommended, with money-back guarantees on some of the CBD products.
Acupuncture is a very effective tool for stress relief. There are different meridian points that bring relaxation to the nervous system. This can be achieved with an individual session with the practitioner, or in a group setting during certain meditation sessions.
The guided meditation sessions are a new introduction to the list of services at NHCC, but they have been met with great response from the community. With guided meditation, clients are given the tools to calm the mind and recondition their thoughts—a very important component to stress relief. A certified instructor teaches clients the proper way to breathe, then guides them down the path to relaxation while listening to a soothing voice and soft background music in a relaxing and ambient environment. The sessions can be joined in person or on a live video feed.
As previously mentioned, it is important to incorporate multiple tools for relief. Nutrition and exercise are not as effective alone, but together they bring more sustainable relief. Mix in daily meditation, yoga, grounding and adaptogenic herbs (like cannabis) and nature walks to help handle life’s daily stressors with ease.
The goal of NHCC is to empower people so they can obtain relief on their own, with confidence, and not be fully dependent on the center. Every person has the ability to achieve a level of inner peace and relaxation themselves. Society and expectations make it difficult for us and distract us from our true meaning and powers. Once we are happy within, and know our sense of purpose, nothing else matters—no opinions, no distractions, nothing that shakes our inner peace. We are able to understand, release and let go without reacting to situations that used to affect us with stress, anxiety, frustration, anger or any other undesired emotion.
NHCC is focused on showing everyone these tools and abilities so they can achieve relief at the office and away. Starting in 2021, NHCC will start hosting cannabis retreats in various locations around the country and world. At these retreats, one will learn how to relax the mind through yoga and meditation; properly and safely use cannabis; have all-inclusive access to cannabis and a variety of products; go on nature hikes/walks; consume delicious plant-based meals; and relax.
These retreats are all about relaxation, so there will be no need for a “vacation from the vacation”. The first retreat is in March 2021 and has limited spacing. Call for information or to reserve a spot.
David Yrigoyen is the owner of Natural Healing Care Center, located at 2231 E. Speedway, in Tucson. For more information about Natural Healing Care Center or the March 2021 retreat, call 520-323-0069 or visit See ad, page 2.

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