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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Benefits of Whole Food Plant-Based Living for Women of All Ages and Stages

Apr 30, 2023 02:00PM ● By Deb Anderson
Living a whole food plant-based lifestyle may be the key to avoiding chronic disease and naturally maintaining an optimal body weight. That’s it. It’s that simple—not always easy, but simple.
Whole plant foods are the whole, intact form of naturally grown foods. This includes fruits, vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, potatoes, greens, squashes, whole grains, legumes, beans, nuts, seeds, sprouts, herbs and spices.
Eating whole plant foods can protect our body from chronic diseases (like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and some cancers) because they are high in anti-inflammatory compounds, such as phytochemicals and antioxidants. They are nutrient dense and rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Help maintain an optimal body weight with whole plant foods, which are lower in calorie density and higher in fiber, so you feel full on fewer calories. You can fill your stomach with fruits, vegetables, potatoes, beans and rice for less than half the calories of a typical animal-based meal.
So, if this is the key to living free of disease and pain, why isn’t everyone doing it? Here’s the problem—we don’t want to give up foods that we love like sweets, hamburgers, hot dogs, steaks and pizza. We think if we “have to” give up foods we love, life won’t be any fun. But what if the opposite is true? What if changing what we consume makes life more fun? Instead of spending time on doctor visits, surgeries or filling prescriptions, we get to pursue our interests, or play with our children and grandchildren.
The scientific data indicates whole plant foods are the best foods for women of all ages. The benefits include improved fertility and pregnancy outcomes, better sleep, balanced hormones, lighter periods, reversing polycystic ovary syndrome, shrinking fibroid tumors and fewer/less severe menopausal symptoms. Post-menopausal women are more likely to gain weight due to hormonal changes. Whole plant foods can prevent this, as well as improve bone and gut health for these women.
To make the plant-based lifestyle doable for most women, aim for 80 percent whole plant foods and 20 percent animal and/or processed foods. Supplement with vitamin B-12, and ask your doctor to check your vitamin B-12 levels.

Deb Anderson is a Certified Life Coach, mentor, teacher and plant-based enthusiast who specializes in helping women make lifestyle changes. She loves connecting women with the right support. Connect at 520-977-3105 or [email protected]. For details on her free webinar, How to Live Plant Based In Real Life, visit

Deb Anderson Coaching - PO Box 15184 Tucson AZ

Deb Anderson Coaching - PO Box 15184, Tucson, AZ

I help you regain your physical well being through Whole Food Plant Based Living. Register for my free Webinar or join my Small Group Coaching program called Simply Planted. Find all the ... Read More » 


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